Sorry I haven't posted in a while.
My boss was on vacation for a week. Therefore I was manning the office alone. It was NOT fun. It was a pretty busy week. I uploaded some pics at home for my family and left my camera upstairs so I don't have my camera :( boooo! So no pics of Nanie
I have some really cute ones of us carving pumpkins on Halloween and her in her bumble bee outfit. I'll post them as soon as I get my camera :)
Nanie had a double ear infection :( She is better with the help of some very strong antibiotics. She was refereed to an ear nose and throat Dr. to see if she needs tubes. We have our appointment on the 24th. Please pray that she will not need them. I really don't want her to go under.
Our thoughts are if the ENT Dr. say she is iffy we are going to take her to a friends Chiropractor/Kinesiologist to see if he can do anything. It helped my friends daughter so we are hoping for the same results. Although our Ped. said it's pretty common if a parent needed tubes that their child would need them too. So basically it could be something Anatomically that is not right. If that is the case we will just go with the surgery.
Please keep my little monster in your prayers. Pics will come soon.