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Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday, Monday

So much for good timing? :( I had cramps on Saturday and when I went to the bathroom AF was here. So onward I go. I can't complain, we didn't really try this month. We had sex and then I was like, Oh wow that's cool cuz I think I"m around "O". But My cycle changed and I'm back to normal. We'll see how next cycle goes. I'm determined not to chart until January so I can't complain right?

I went to the Charger game Sunday. We went on the "drunk bus" LOL. It's a chartered bus from a local brewery and we drink free beer all the way down. Tailgate with delicious food, then drink all the way home. Needless to say I was feeling NO PAIN. This morning wasn't so hot LOL. I play I pay right??

While I was at the game My MIL had a photo shoot with Nanie. It was so awesome. I think I showed everyone I ran into the pictures. I'm super grateful that I have a MIL who will not only watch my little girl anytime but she also makes sure I always get pictures of her while I"m out. It helps because I truly hate to leave her.

Anyway, I hope your Monday is going well.

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