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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Why always AFTER her appointment

At Nanie's appointments, my Pediatrician always asks about milestone. I kind of shrug nonchalantly and say, "Yeeaah, I guess she does that" Or "I think she does that" I guess I don't look for milestones anymore because I never want to be that parent again that I was when she was 3 months old and not rolling over. I was so nervous and talking to everyone about when their baby rolled.

I mean, let's get real. Is that on a collage application When did you roll for the first time? ::roll eyes:: So since the day she started to roll I vowed never to worry about it unless it becomes obvious that there is something wrong.

Anyway, at her appointment my Pediatrician asks. How many words does she say besides mama and dada? I was like Ummm, ball? Grandma (gmama) and Grandpa (gradada) and I just couldn't think of any more.

Then...I get home, the word please comes out, Hi, and a few more that I really should have written down. I just laughed that now that I am paying attention my daughter is trying to communicate :)

Of course when the Pediatrician asks me about Mimicking, I'm like yea, she does kind of. And when I get home I realize that my daughter is trying to use a spoon. She puts her starfish under water because that is what I do when I try and fill it with water. She kisses and plays peekaboo. All of these things, she has learned and mimics from us.

A bonus. We can ask her what a lion says and she'll whisper "raar" It's sooo cute.

My big girl is not walking yet but is standing on her own. Yesterday she stood there and just lifted her hands like, look at me I'm not holding onto anything. She's getting pretty good at it too.

I guess in my determination NOT to worry, I've forgot to pay attention. I guess I just wish I could have bragged to the pediatrician. LOL

Oh well.

So here is a little treat. A video of Nanie waking up. Notice the MONKEY dance she does when she's excited. She usually does it for longer but she was distracted because I turned on the light so the video would turn out.

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